For Genuine Quotes Only Please
Fill in the details below.. If you have a special request please add additional infomation to the text box.. This will help us serve you better
Do you have a dog? (if yes, please ensure the dog is excluded from the technicain at all times during the service)
Payment is at point of sale. A mobile eftpos is available for card payments
Quote for Cockroaches
Please attach a photo of the cockroach or send by either MMS to 027 6936007 or email to aces.pest.control.nz@gmail.com
Instructions and treatment type depend on the type of cockroach so this is essential
Please put all food away & cover pet fish or remove from property
Do NOT move the fridge, do NOT empty the pantry
There is a 3 hour stand down period once the work is complete
(is there access to attic space?)